Our Story

Caleb and I met back in late 2014/ early 2015. I had just gotten back from a 9 month deployment to Afghanistan with the 82nd Airborne Division, and Caleb had just PCS’d from the 173rd Airborne Brigade in Italy. We hit it off almost immediately, and a friendship developed that would eventually make us as close as brothers.

We constantly talked about gear, and what ideas we had for gear of our own. Not only were we nerds about other things (our weekends were usually spent ordering pizza and watching Lord of the Rings) but we were complete nerds when it came to gear. We always wanted the new cool thing, and we always talked about our own solutions and potentially trying to start a business in that field one day.

Fast forward 6 years. Caleb has become a Green Beret, and I had joined the Long Range Surveillance in the Indiana National Guard. Though we don’t see each other in person often, we are as close as ever. But as time went on, our business ideas began to take shape. We wanted to create something with pure intentions. We wanted to provide a product that was affordable, high quality, and filled a gap in the gear marketplace. That along with my podcast and my passion for teaching and shooting became what is now Nemean Industries.

Our promise is this: We will never sacrifice quality for efficiency, and we will always give back. 10% of all monthly revenue we generate will be donated to the Green Beret Foundation. We are not in this to make money. Through our shooting courses, podcast, and gear manufacturing, we will provide a quality product and service that is affordable, accessible, and will ultimately go back to helping veterans, and shining a light on veterans’ stories.

See you on the range.
